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Being Me

As individuals living a human experience, we all ask big questions of meaning at some point throughout our lives. Where do we come from, why are we here, and where are we going? Fortunately, we can have faith and hope that there is a loving God who cares deeply for each one of us, and desires a closer and more meaningful relationship with each and every one of us as He guides us in our ways and calls us to be more spiritually based and loving children in His sight. Gain wisdom and insight from the experiences of others, and find new ways to bring God’s truth, wisdom, and grace into each and every area of your own life. Celebrating and embracing our individuality is an essential part of becoming more comfortable with the process of working on ourselves and familiar with the process of becoming more attuned to the movements and voice of God throughout our lives. Take time from the busy pace of daily life to join us on Being You Being Me and be still as we ponder the depth and wonder of a God who is very alive, real, and still moving throughout our world and lives today. God intended for us to be pleased and satisfied with His creation and intentions for our lives, and by understanding them at a more detailed and applicable level. As we explore, grow, discover, and bring the truth of God’s boundless love over our lives into a sharper and more vivid focus. Let’s embark on a journey to bring a greater level of purpose and beauty into our lives and relationships by growing in our wisdom, obedience, and joy for pursuing our spiritual health and becoming more aware of ourselves and true worth on the inside. Please contact Being You Being Me any time you choose by sending an email any time to and we’ll be happy to respond as quickly as we can.

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